Books Magazine

Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello

By Lauriej
Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl CarpinelloI’m a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds.
Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
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Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
 If they fail...
She could die over 3300 years from home!
Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl CarpinelloTackle the elements & evil of Ancient Egypt...
A history-changing battle & Time Travel Thriller...
Fifteen-year-old Rosa doesn't see dead people...
She hears them & talks to them.
When she agrees to help King Tut's ghost find his lost queen & clear his family's name, she doesn't count on falling for him.
She & Tut must also outwit an evil pharaoh determined to stop them...
Even if it means one of them must die.
Get it today and see who triumphs.
2015 IAN Book of the Year Finalist YA
2015 CAL Book Award Finalist YA Fiction
2014 Literary Classics Seal of Approval
2015 Readers' Favorite Finalist YA
2014 Literary Classics Silver Medal for PreTeen/Tween

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Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
The Queen Speaks
Noway!“Hey,Tut.Thissphinx stillhasitsnose.Thisisn’tTheSphinx.”
“Whatareyousaying,Roosa?Comeandhelpmeclearthesandawayfromthestele.” “Isaid,thisisn’tTheSphinx.Itstillhasitsnose.”
“No.Youdon’tunderstand,”Iprotest.“TheSphinxinmytimehasnonose.It’sbeen brokenoffforcenturies.”
Tutcastsmeaperplexedlook.Atinglingsensationgoesthroughmelikewhenyoutouch yourtonguetothetwoterminalsofabattery. “Come,Roosa.Weneedtounburythestele.”
Ifollowblindly,stilllookingattheundamagedfaceoftheSphinx.It’sdefinitelymore strikingtoseeitinonepiece.
ItisonlyasIhelpTutscoopthesandawayfromthetopedgeofthestelethatIrealizethe sandhasdriftedandblownallaroundtheSphinx,buryingitupto itsneckinplaces.Nowonderitappearssmaller.
Tutstopsdigging,hiseyesgluedonme. “Please,Rosa.ShowhimIstillloveandsupporthim.”
Thepictureathomeinmyroom.Thetwoofthem.Herlongingsitsheavyinthepitofmy stomach.Unabletodoanythingelse,Inodeversoslightly.Then,withTut’sexpressionstill questioning,Ireachoutandtouchhimasshedoesinthepicture.Energyflowsdownmyarm intomyfingertips.Tutgripsmyhandandpressesittohisheart.

Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello
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Sons of the Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello

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