The Bollywood Fashion Diva Sonam Kapoor inaugurated the two-day event by lighting the diya along with the chairman of GJEPC Vipul Shah and Member of Parliament Subodh Kant Sahay. She is the brand ambassador of Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).
While talking to media she said "I have been the brand ambassador for GJEPC for four years now. I love jewellery especially gems. India is the biggest exporter of gems and jewellery in the world. I think it is incredible that we get to endorse the jewellery industry of India because it does so well. I want to make sure that we can export more, and we flourish more".
She was looking stunning while walking the ramp with the jewellery tycoons of India in a red and white ensemble by her designer Anamika Khanna and teamed it up with intricate jewellery.
IIJW is an initiative to showcase India's finest in jewellery. You will see celebrities like the ever glowing Zeenat Aman, the gorgeous Lara Dutta, the beautiful Juhi Chawla and others walk the ramp for the leading jewellery brands of the country in IIJW 2013 event Delhi.
If you can't wait yourself to watching it, watch live: