Fashion Magazine

Something New

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
something newBonjour! Remember a few weeks ago (okay, maybe like five weeks...) when I said I was working on something new? Well, after tons of brainstorming sessions, design tweaks, and switching things around, I'm SO excited to share it with you! West Coast Whimsy is a new blog, a new adventure, a new space for me to share my life with you. While I love this blog and have been so blessed to get to know so many of you, this blog has slowly turned into something I never meant it to be, and I'm am ready and stoked to make a fresh start. You can read more about why I'm starting over at my first post of West Coast Whimsy. I really hope that you will continue to be a part of my blogging ventures and follow me there! I adore the support and whimsy of the lifestyle blogging community so, and I'm so excited to be a part of it in a way that is more me. Hope you'll join me there! 
xoxo & love love love, Charity

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