Gardening Magazine

Some Wintery Conditions

By Mwillis
This past week we have had weather a bit more like a "normal" Winter, including some heavy frosts. Fleet had minus 7.6 degrees Celsius last night (OK, I know many of you will say "That's not cold", but for us here it is!). Most of the UK has had some snow, but here in North-East Hampshire we have so far escaped with just one or two flakes. As a gardener, I would actually welcome some real Winter weather, because plants expect it, and if they don't get it they will start into growth prematurely and be weaker overall. Very cold conditions are also beneficial to gardeners because they kill off some of the pests and diseases.
I have not been able to do much in the way of actual gardening for a few weeks now (although I am proceeding with the renewal of some of my raised beds), but the weather hasn't prevented me from taking photographs! Today I offer you a small selection of "cold weather" photos:-

Some wintery conditions

Purple Sprouting Broccoli "Red Arrow"

Some wintery conditions

Frozen raindrop on PSB

Some wintery conditions

Frost-rimed cabbage "Caramba"

Some wintery conditions

Radicchio "Palla Rossa"

Some wintery conditions

Frozen raindrop on frosty PSB leaf

Some wintery conditions


Some wintery conditions


Some wintery conditions

Blueberry leaf

Some wintery conditions

Flat-leaf Parsley

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