Politics Magazine

Some Things I Don't Get

Posted on the 21 July 2014 by Erictheblue

1. How my wife, when playing golf, as she did yesterday for the first time in her life, can swing and miss a lot, yet hit it straight and pretty square most of the time she makes contact.  Wouldn't you think that if the club head is arriving in the general area of the ball with sufficient randomness to result in a fair number of whiffs, that a fair number of contacts would be shanks?  But she hits it right toward the green--on one occasion, onto the green from the tee box--almost every time. 

2. The reflexive and immovable support of the American right for Israel.  There are two sides to the fight, and I don't really get why the Christian fundamentalists and assorted other wingers should be so strong for the Jewish state.  I don't really get why the United States in general is so pro-Israel.  Public opinion in western Europe is very different and, to my way of thinking, fits better with the merits of the respective cases.

3. Given that it is a woman, Jennifer Haselberger, former canon lawyer for the Twin Cities Archdiocese, who has ratted out the cassocked liars running the local franchise, I don't get why the whole ruckus hasn't set off more of a discussion about the role of women in the Catholic Church.  To an outsider, the  upper level of the Church hierarchy is just a recalcitrant men's club, somewhere boys go to be bad without fear of consequences.  It was a big mistake letting a woman sniff around near the top.  She couldn't get the stench out of her nostrils and now look! 

Isn't it obvious that the Church would benefit from more of that, not less? 

4. The weird things that apparently follow when one thinks about objects traveling faster than light.  At least one of them is an enjoyable limerick that you can tell in mixed company.

There once was a woman named Bright,
Who could travel far faster than light.
She set out one day
In a relative way,
And returned home the previous night!

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