Sports Magazine

Some Giants Game Coments from 1's.

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
nice job spence on opening series.
Pouncey failed to get the DB into the ground in a cut block which allowed the DB to get back into the play and knocked out the possible cutback lane for archer
sorry if I have AB in single coverage he can easily beat the DB so f I'm ben I would have in game audibled to a pass a slant of some kind of corner route. Maybe didnt want to do that in preseason though which is understandable in 1st game.
would have liked to see 7 but ok with 3.
Credit eli with an audible as others have mentioned but poor angle by allen and heywood got turned too much.
Allen seemed to be too wide as well in his initial stance.
As much as I hate to say it Heath I don't think blocked all that well in some of the plays. He just doesn't have he quickness anymore. He's a good pass catcher though. Good for a few more years but that might be a position of draft emphasis next year.
Wheaton stuggled in pass blocking downfield -- I would like to see MB run with the 1st team he's bigger and hopefully stronger but may not know the offense as well as Wheaton yet.
In any case will give wheaton the preseason to develop that skill.
That was all for starters on O.
Thanks steel0710, can't wait to see what the rest of the preseason holds.

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