Life Coach Magazine

Solstice Lightwork for the Stone Circles and Mother Earth

By Angellightheart @engelencoaching
Solstice Lightwork for the Stone Circles and Mother Earth

It’s been a while since I have written an English blog, mainly because my work in Dutch has really taken off. But today, on the Summer Solstice, I would love to reach out to send you Solstice Blessings and to inspire you to some Lightwork for the world.

Perhaps you have seen it too and were as shocked as I was, when you saw the photos of Stonehenge. It felt like a desecration of a sacred place. Maybe you’ve heard how the beautiful stones were defaced as a climate protest.

I care deeply about Mother Earth and nature and I would like to see humanity take better care of her. The climate extremes we see on Earth remind me of Atlantis. Even then they were dismissed until it was too late.

But how can one destroy and defile a Sacred Place on Mother Earth to speak up for the climate? That doesn’t seem very logical to me. It basically means doing on a small scale what you accuse others of on a large scale.

Albert Einstein once said: “We cannot solve a problem with the thinking that created it.” You can say it another way: You cannot solve a problem from the same vibration in which it was caused.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what these climate activists are doing. In their desire to get attention for the problem, they destroy and violate something, just as in their eyes the climate is being polluted and destroyed. That creates a lot of bad blood and only increases the negative energy. In addition, it does not work because what you pay attention to increases and what you resist persists.

What to do then?

The first thing needed is compassion. Compassion for ourselves, because we all still make our contributions (big or small) to the world as it looks today. But also compassion for the other person who may not be consciously aware, has no idea or who simply does not care. Only mutual understanding will build bridges.

The second thing we can do is become very aware of what we DO want to see in the world. What do we want to see more of? What would that look like? How can we contribute to this ourselves?

It would be a lot better if activists planted a ‘protest forest’ on vacant land next to polluters. Because if anything helps against global warming and air pollution, it is trees. Or when next to highways, beautiful works of nature appear with loving messages for Mother Earth and about the climate, permeated and surrounded by butterfly- and bee-friendly plants and flowers. Just some thoughts…

You may have other fun and uplifting and positive ideas. Then please share them!

Call to Lightwork

For now, during this summer solstice, I would like to invite everyone who is still going to meditate to send Golden Light to Stonehenge and all other stone circles and places of power. Where they are still located on active ley lines and where they are located on the new crystalline grid, you can imagine how the Golden Light spreads through the sacred places and then over the entire Earth via the ley lines and crystalline grid.

The Lemurians actively used the Golden Light. It is the Light of Creator Source and it brings regeneration. Exactly what Mother Earth needs as do many of us.

Visualize the Golden Light raising the vibration everywhere. See how it opens hearts and minds and brings new solutions and ideas. Don’t forget to let it flow through you too!

I wish you Solstice Blessings and lots of love,


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