Fashion Magazine

Solo Saturdays

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

Fortnum and Mason LondonAfter my first week “in the office”, I finally after what seemed like an age had an actual weekend all to myself and rejoiced on Friday afternoon at 5.30 pm with that old familiar phrase “Thank God it’s Friday!”  Apart from being excited at the prospect of a weekend, I set out to have a nice old wander around and decided upon Piccadilly. I was going to do King’s Road/ Sloane Square but my feet took me instead over to Piccadilly Circus. After browsing around the shops and discovering a great new place (separate post) I spied the quintessential F&M green and clearly had to pay them a visit. I loved their windows which at the time were done for I think Mothering Sunday. I always admire the amount of detail and care which go into the window displays of the big department stores, because when you get it right, it always sucks you in, or at least it does for me. I think Christmas displays are probably among my fav, but they can also be quite disappointing if it doesn’t show enough sparkle and glitter! Anyway, I liked F&M’s. Love their familiar green color which is so synonymous with ...

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