Socks can be an effective way to show off your personality - if you decide to go bold with the color choices and prints. It is common today for men with interest in fashion to want to wear bright-colored socks to stand out or make a statement. While this daring move can certainly separate you from the pack, it is easier to get it wrong than right. To be able to pull off any particular style successfully, it is critical that you understand the underlying rules of fashion.

In this write-up, we give you five of the tried and true styles that you may want to adapt to kick up or stay on top of your sock game.
1. Coordinating the colors
One of the most classic ways to pair your socks with your outfit stress-free is to go for stripes, argyle patterns or polka dots - they're easier to coordinate with the clothing. When you decide to go this direction, the rule is simple: ensure there's a base tone that matches the color of your trouser. Alternatively, the socks should have at least one color that picks out the color of something you're wearing above your waistline.
2. True to the classics: wearing ribbed or texture socks
Textured or ribbed socks aren't going anywhere anytime soon. They've been around long enough and are not likely to become outmoded in the near future. Ribbed and textured socks are available in nearly every imaginable neutral color. With these kinds of socks, the foolproof method is to choose a pair that is either a shade lighter or slightly darker than your trousers.
3. Playing it safe with dark colored socks
If you don't want to go tonal, there is still a way to put on a traditional look that keeps you under the radar: dark colors like grey, black, navy or brown. This option is particularly important when you are hanging out with a bunch of conservatives, you're in doubt of brighter colors, or you simply don't want to rub those whom you're meeting the wrong way.
4. Keeping it hidden: no-show socks
No-show socks give you that unique sockless look - they're designed to hide inside your shoes while giving you the full comfort of wearing socks. You may especially want to consider this style when you are wearing shorts or cropped pants to show off a bit of skin.
5. Going bold with bold colors
To exude some unmistakable sense of personality, bold tones are the way to go. We are particularly loving the new line of socks at The colors are fun to wear and allow you to bend or break the rules of fashion slightly for a tasteful outcome. It is best to tread with caution here: always ensure that there is a neutral base to correctly play off the bold colors you're wearing.
If your sock choice does not complement or contrast your outfit correctly, it may become an eyesore. So, regardless of how confident you feel about your intended choice of socks, it is best to always keep these underlying rules in mind.