Books Magazine

So You Want to Write a (Non-Fiction) Book?

Posted on the 30 November 2011 by Alizasherman @alizasherman

Stock-bookstackI'm going to be answering some questions about getting a nonprofit book deal for Social Buzz U on Thursday, Dec 1 at 11am PST / 2pm EST. You can find out more information here. 

So why am I talking about book publishing? Well, after publishing nine books, I've seen the publishing industry evolve since my first book deal in the late 90s.

Plus I've worked with a number of publishers from Ballantine to Penguin to Entrepreneur Media and most recently Sellers Publishing so I've seen how publishers of various sizes work as well. And I've had several book agents over the years and am happy to share some insights about agents.

I've also written a number of work-for-hire books which I've written between books that were straight book publishing deals. I'll explain what those are in the interview and how I got those deals.

I'm not going to be talking about self-publishing or publishing fiction, but if you have a nonfiction book idea or want to know how to write a winning nonfiction book proposal and land a book deal, I hope you tune in on Thursday!

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