Lifestyle Magazine

So, You Want to Be a Writer? It’s NaNoWriMo Time

By 74limelane @74LimeLane


Let me start by saying, I have absolutely no plans to write a novel. I don’t have the patience.

Although I love words, and work with them daily, but am ultimately the evil editor type rather than the whimsical wordsmith type.

As a journalist, I’ve done my share of writing and re-writing, but have always hankered for honest-to-goodness writing that occurs in a mythical spot where a typewriter sits on a wooden desk in minimalist surrounds, facing a window, steaming cup of something nearby and piles of notes, papers and pens scattered around.

And this is why I’m such a sucker for anything that mentions famous writers, their process, their favorite drinks or their writing habits.

And I also love information hoarding and when I saw the other day a mention of National Novel Writing Month, it seemed the opportune time to roll out the words on writing I’ve been hoarding for the better part of six months.

Here’s a tip: Big Huge Labs have a cool, simple writing interface here ~ for all those times you are feeling wordy ~ or try one of these

There are lots of written words on writing, and writers. So as we head into #NaNoWriMo, a few tips on writing from writers.

So from all those words on writing, I’ve narrowed it to three tips on how to be a writer.

You need some quirk.

Kerouac liked scrolling his work, Joyce used crayons, Woolf like to stand, Steinbeck always had 12 sharpened pencils on his desk and Capote wouldn’t start or finish a work on a Friday. What’s your quirk?

Make sure you have a routine.

First thing in the morning, after a cup of tea, lighting a candle, waiting on the moon. It’s all in the timing. Or perhaps try one of these creative routines.

You need a signature drink

Hemingway was a fan of mojitos, F. Scott Fitzgerald a gin rickey. What’s your poison?

Further reading:
  • Brainpickings big round-up of writing advice‘
  • Elmore Leonard’s 10 rules of writing
  • 13 essential techniques according to Walter Benjamin
  • Advice from Hemingway / Ricky Gervais / Stephen King / from Aussie authors by our own Allison Tait ~ whose book I bought just last week!

Are you attempting NaNoWriMo?  Do you have a novel in you? Or perhaps just a short story?

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This is a post by 74 Lime Lane, 2014. | Permalink

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