Fashion Magazine

So You Wanna Party?

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Well then you've come to the right place! ;)'s true, 2 posts in 1 day! But I'm just so excited about this that I had to dedicate a post to it.
On June 14th the lovely Britt from The Magnolia Pair & I are hosting a one time link up party!
So You Wanna Party?
Britt made this cute button - she has skills, people.
Anyway, it's called "From Blog Life to Real Life"'s gonna be so fun :)
Have you ever thought about what life would be like if your "real life" & "blog life" collided?
We came up with 10 questions for you to answer in a post of your own:
1. Do you have any real life blog friends?  2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet? 3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid?  4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?  5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ?  6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?  7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?  8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be casted with you?  9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with?  10. Favorite blog design?
So get your posts ready and link up with us on Thursday, June 14! We'll have a link up set up to where you can link up with one of us and it will be visible on both of our blogs :) Help us spread the word by grabbing a button & posting it somewhere! So You Wanna Party?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Lovely Little Things" border="0" src="" /></a>

Thanks, loves...can't wait to party with you ;)

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