Lifestyle Magazine

So Fresh and So Clean.

By Elleelizabeth @elleelizabethh
for the longest time i had been contemplating on whether or not this blog needed a face lift. i can be very indecivise, and finally i made the decision that i wanted to make a few changes around here. i had planned on asking someone to redesign the look, but then i had the time on my own to make the changes myself! i can stay that i am happy with the result :)
so fresh and so clean.
in other news, jeremy and i signed our loan for our new car yesterday and we get to pick it up tonight! jeremy will only get to enjoy it tonight since he has drill all weekend and won't be back until monday. i'm excited to say that i'm in the last couple of weeks of my master's thesis and i can't wait until i'm all finished! do you have anything exciting going on at the moment?

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