It’s finally Christmas eve and I can’t believe it’s arrived! Everything is done, all the presents are wrapped and the food is waiting to be cooked, all that’s left to do is snuggle down on the sofa, in festive PJs and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while I wait for Father Christmas to arrive!
I made some chocolate stirrers earlier in the week using a cake-pop tray from Dunelm - it was as easy as melting some yummy milk chocolate, pouring into the tray and sprinkling with treats – you could use crushed candy canes or jelly beans, but I’ve gone for traditional marshmallows and festive cake sprinkles. The only tricky bit was letting them set for a short while before pushing the over-size lolly sticks into them so that the sticks would stay upright! I chilled them in the fridge and the popped out of the cake-pop tray easily.

I will enjoying dipping them in my hot chocolate (probably spiked with a cheeky shot of amaretto or Baileys!) while I wait for Father Christmas this evening. I also made some little white chocolate candy canes and milk chocolate gingerbread men using a silicone mold from wholeport so this is going to be a very sugary-sweet day of treats!

I always follow Santa’s progress around the world using the NORAD Santa tracker and love watching the videos of him flying over famous locations around the world as he is spotted by the NORAD tracker. Gather the family around a computer today and check out Santa’s route around the globe – it’s SO exciting watching him get closer and closer!
I hope you have a very relaxed Christmas Eve before the excitement of the big day – and make sure you get to bed before midnight - Santa Claus knows if you’re awake!