It was an exceptionally sunny afternoon and my usually bright room was lit up more than ever. I happened to have my camera laying on my bed from shooting projects for this bridal shower. So I picked it up and looked over to the pretty roses and begin shooting some of my bedside moments.
I don’t often share my home decor, mostly for the fact that I still live with my parents. And although, my house is still very nice, it isn’t necessarily my design aesthetic. For the longest time I was dying for a bit of a change in my bedroom, an update that reflects more of the likes I’ve grown into, but then I realized that I like my room as it is now. I love the combination of ultra feminine lines from an age where I wanted nothing more than to live in Paris, or touches of gold pieces, and black and white photography I grew to love in high school. But I like it; it’s a representation of my high school self, my college and independent early twenties.
I was lighting my incense one evening when I looked over at my bedside and realized that I had a purple hued color scheme. Then I thought back to the photos I took earlier this spring. Even my bridesmaid attire in a photo taken with J at my best friend’s wedding matches perfectly with my mauve colored walls. Which was a big change for me, as a lover of white and neutral home colors, I decided to change it up last year with this rich mauve wall color.Fresh flowers, bedside reading of Gabrielle Bernstein and How to Train a Wild Elephant…{when I took these photos I was still reading the captivating The Girl on the Train..a must read!}, a handmade trinket container, my goals, and lavender and herb infused ice mask, a the rosary from Fatima I have a tattoo of, gold initial frame, and the ukulele J gave me that I still have to learn how to play. I’ve been trying to find the perfect lamp base that works well with this bold mustard yellow print shade I’ve had since my first apartment, and I love. I’ve picked up several different dream catchers over my travels and while living in Arizona, so I hung the largest one and two other smaller special ones on my curtain rod above my bed. I felt like I needed to add something, since I don’t have a headboard. Since my walls are colored, everything else has been kept light, especially my Georgina duvet which is one of my favorite items in my bedroom. I’ve been meaning to hang a piece of art in that open wall space, actually going to get a frame as we speak. The fashion inspired painting I’ve outgrown, but still find it pretty, and fills in the void until I come around painting myself. This credenza has become jewelry storage; a lucite and gold tray for bold necklaces and sunglasses, frames used as pretty necklace displays, tiers of earrings, and gold ducks I found cleaning out my parent’s attic to hold up bracelets. I’m quite obsessed with Zara’s incense, I mean I always bring back about 30 boxes whenever someone or I head to Portugal. Seriously I’m so estatic they’ve started selling in the states! They just smell so pretty. Most gold pieces I’ve found in my parent’s home not being used, so each time I found something pretty it has been like stumbling upon a new vintage decor piece for my room. At least I’ve been using all the lovely pieces they’ve had stored away, plus it will be very nice to have something of theirs when I move into my own first family home. That’s why my first place to shop for home decor is at my family member’s home. You’d be surprised at everything you can find!After my birthday, I’ve since added this purple flower votive candle holder, and have replaced roses with a drying succulent flower. Oh, and a Photo Booth photo of J and I, at my cousin’s wedding last month. I’m totally inspired to change a few more things in there, or actually take on painting my vanity table, but this post has also made me appreciate my bedroom’s beauty.Hope this inspires you to add some color into your home, or change it a bit for the new season!