I'm one of those people who suffer from "hangry" moods... If I'm hungry, I need to eat immediately. Otherwise, I become uncharacteristically moody, impatient, and well, hangry. Sometimes the result is funny and my sassy side comes out. But usually, it's just a negative experience for all involved. The other day I was feeling particularly hangry and decided what I needed was no ordinary snack... No, what I needed was a Crepe Cake. To be more specific- a SNICKERS® Crepe Cake!
I'll just cut to the chase and give you the recipe before you go crazy with anticipation...

4 eggs
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla (or more. I like a lot of vanilla)
1 1/2 cup milk
1 cup water
6 tbsp butter- melted
In a blender, combine all the ingredients. Then place the batter in the fridge for an hour. This allows the bubbles to disperse and the batter to thicken.
On medium low heat, melt butter on a frying pan and then poor a little less than 1/4 cup batter onto the pan. Twirl pan around to make an even and thin layer of the batter- this forms your crepe. After about 20 seconds, carefully flip the crepe over. The crepe is done just before it starts to brown. The batter will make about 30 crepes, you can use as many as you want for the cake.
15-30 crepes
1 SNICKERS® Almond Bar- chopped (I purchased mine at Family Dollar)
1 1/2 cup cream cheese- softened (almost melted)
hot fudge
caramel sauce
whipped cream
Start with one crepe and cover the top of it with a thin spread of cream cheese then a thin layer of hot fudge. Layer another crepe on top of the first and coat with a thin layer of cream cheese and drizzle caramel sauce in a criss-cross pattern. Layer with another crepe and repeat, alternating between hot fudge and caramel until you have stacked it as high as you want. Place it in the fridge for an hour so the filling can set. Then, drizzle the top layer with caramel, spread hot fudge around the center, then top with whipped cream and the SNICKERS® Almond bar.

This was such a fun, unique, and delicious dessert! If you love crepes and SNICKERS® , then you'll love this cake! The filling even came dripping out the sides, which made the presentation even more appetizing. This recipe is perfect for a fancy or casual event, it's definitely a show stopper. I love how it looks when it's cut into, there are so many layers!
Did I get you craving a SNICKERS® bar? Then be sure to enter the SNICKERS® "Who are you when you're hungry?" contestby uploading a personal photo or video from your Computer, Facebook, Instagram, or use the SNICKERS® Meme Generator to create something new! Voting begins at Noon on 5/11/15 and ends at 11:59:59AM ET on 7/15/15.
So tell me... Who are you when you're hungry?
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