Food & Drink Magazine

Sneak Peak into the Minecraft Party

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
I am just coming up for a quick breather while I am working on a Minecraft Party for my son.   Last night I made some Minecraft things on Photoshop to go with his party.  I will share a few quick and easy tutorials/how to's this week for what I have created so far.   Sneak Peak into the Minecraft Party This morning I baked the cake.  I baked up two 10 in. square cakes in order to create the Minecraft cake.  I will share a few of my decorating tips in an upcoming post!     Sneak Peak into the Minecraft Party I have been searchin' around online to find some Minecraft Ideas, and I found some awesome ones!  I created some candy bar sleeves and printed and attached Minecraft animals to each one: details to come.  I will share my sources in my next post when I do a little tutorial on the wrappers.  I am getting excited for this party to get here :)   The tnt is pop rocks.     Sneak Peak into the Minecraft Party Some water bottle wraps I created on Photoshop and Steve Goody Bags Using XL brown paper bags.     And finally,   Sneak Peak into the Minecraft Party Minecraft Coal   It started out so pretty and fluffy, and ended, well... not so pretty.  But that's the point of it and I'm hoping the kids will get a kick out of it. Recipe to come in the following post.     Now, back to the kitchen to finish off the truffles, bake the cookies, and possibly get the cake decorated tonight.  Oh, and you should see my house, it is SPOTLESS!  If you categorize spotless as having the sink filled with dishes, every counter filled with junk, and the laundry piled up, then yep, MY house is Spotless ;-)    Take care for now!     If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along!     For information on my on-line design services, please click here     For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email for pricing and availability.
  Seaside Interiors

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