Family Magazine
The other day I was prepping for a seminar I was giving that night called Social Networking: What's A Parent To Do? While the rest of you were enjoying your favorite TV show or sitting down with a good book, I was trolling the internet for the latest on what apps teens are flocking to this week! This is how I spend my free time! Gotta stay up to date. So what I found out is that there don't seem to be any new apps, and Snap Chat still seems to be #1 on the teen app hit parade.
What I found so fascinating as I dove into the depths of snap chat is how deep this app goes. Apparently there is a whole language out there of emoji's that define and describe the relationships a teen has with their snap chat-ers! There are hearts where different colors mean different things. And emojis of baby faces that show that you and your fellow snap chat-er are newbies with each other. There are faces with glasses, no glasses, happy faces, angry faces, I could go on for hours. So complicated!. Honestly I was thinking that if your kids spent as much time studying their spanish as they do figuring out this snap chat s**t they would be the most fluent person alive.
Seriously, this is complicated stuff, and I do think it would behoove you to study up on it yourself. This app is running your teens's life. And since it just disappears you may never know how it affects how they feel about themselves and their friends. The article below is a good way to educate yourself so at least you can have an informed conversation with your teen about how all this feels to them. Do they feel bad if they get the "wrong" color heart from a friend, does it hurt? What about a scowling face? You can't ask if you don't know. These apps seem innocent enough until you start to delve into it's complicated sub-text. So go ahead, get educated!!! You can go back to your book later!!! (link below)
PS Tune in Sunday @8 PM for Joani's Facebook live Ten Minute Teen Troubleshooting Parenting Tip: The Pushing Buttons fight
What I found so fascinating as I dove into the depths of snap chat is how deep this app goes. Apparently there is a whole language out there of emoji's that define and describe the relationships a teen has with their snap chat-ers! There are hearts where different colors mean different things. And emojis of baby faces that show that you and your fellow snap chat-er are newbies with each other. There are faces with glasses, no glasses, happy faces, angry faces, I could go on for hours. So complicated!. Honestly I was thinking that if your kids spent as much time studying their spanish as they do figuring out this snap chat s**t they would be the most fluent person alive.
Seriously, this is complicated stuff, and I do think it would behoove you to study up on it yourself. This app is running your teens's life. And since it just disappears you may never know how it affects how they feel about themselves and their friends. The article below is a good way to educate yourself so at least you can have an informed conversation with your teen about how all this feels to them. Do they feel bad if they get the "wrong" color heart from a friend, does it hurt? What about a scowling face? You can't ask if you don't know. These apps seem innocent enough until you start to delve into it's complicated sub-text. So go ahead, get educated!!! You can go back to your book later!!! (link below)
PS Tune in Sunday @8 PM for Joani's Facebook live Ten Minute Teen Troubleshooting Parenting Tip: The Pushing Buttons fight