The holiday season is hereI´m slowing downit´s a need and a must.
This year have been a very stressful year for meit´s time for some quiet days.
I´m going to catch up on my workshops

these are samplersthe beginning of little quiltsor the play with fabric

inspired by Jude HillI signed up a workshop over at Spirit ClothI love her style

little details on my first sampler

and here it is .- finishedworked on this for dayswhile waiting for the result of xray and biopsywith tiny little stitchesonly thing I was capable of

the start of the second oneweawed the baseand added elements

a little experiment with handdying and rust

didn´t turned out quite as I wanted.need the practice moreand find out the secretsbut I did get some pretty marks

weawing across the moonJude is so good at thisI wanted to try - had too many layersGoing to give it another try
results came from hospitaleverything was benign only need a surgery on dec. 22th

more elements
I´m not sure where this will take me.I´m just enjoying the slow work with tiny stitchesas for now
exploring and learning
Tina ♥♥♥