Arts & Crafts Magazine

Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters

By Vixenmade @vixenMade
Fall is upon us.  And with it comes the cooler weather.
My little guys heads tend to get colder than us adults, so I figured some light hats were in order.  
These are perfect for warm winter weather or even into spring.

Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Get out some old sweaters.  Or thrifted sweaters.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Using an existing hat, line up the bottom with the bottom edge of the sweater.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Using a fabric marker (or chalk, or sharpie work too).  Trace around the hat, adding 2-3 inches on the top for a 'slouchy' effect.  Also add about 1/2 inch all around for seam allowance.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Cut it out.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Place the two pieces with the right sides facing in.  Pin around the edges (not the bottom).
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Now sew around the edge with a small zigzag stitch, to allow some stretch.  You can add a larger zigzag stitch closer to the edge to prevent it from fraying.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Flip it right side out and it's ready to wear.
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Pretty cute, huh?
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
I'm also loving that my boys are old enough to sit through a mini photo shoot without complaint!
Slouchy Hats From Old SweatersSlouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Slouchy Hats From Old Sweaters
Have fun!  And if you want your own slouchy hat, check out this tutorial.
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