Drink Magazine

Slackline Summer Ale – Hearthstone Brewery

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Hearthstone Brewery in North Vancouver comes their "Slackline Summer Ale". The beer pours an orange colour with a white head. The aroma consists of pienapple and mango with juniper and some sweetness. The flavour is of pineapple, mango, juniper, citrus rind, some bitterness and a mild funk finish. The alcohol content comes in at 4.7% with an IBU of 20. This new release is quite enjoyable. This should be your beer you say goodbye to summer with. Luckily for everyone there is a bunch of Summer left to enjoy this beer!

Commercial Description: A moderately hopped light refreshing summer ale with delicate juniper spice notes, fermented with Sach Trois yeast providing a gentle yet complex bouquet.

Slackline Summer Ale – Hearthstone Brewery
This entry was posted in summer ale and tagged citrus rind, funk, funky, hearthstone brewery, Hearthstone Brewing, hopped, hops bitter, hops bitterness., juniper, mango, mild bitter, mild bitterness, mild funk, north van, north vancouver, pineapple, slackline summer ale, summer ale.

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