I can tell you which brands are better between like The Ordinary or Drunk Elephant, I can also give my opinions on beauty products you're so curious about, and I can even tell you how a skincare ingredient work. But I don't have a degree in dermatology. So how come many people trust my opinions and product reviews on this website? It's because I don't only try the products, I also research their ingredients. And I don't go to any pseudoscience websites like Goop, I make sure they're reputable science. But not everyone has an interest in reading medical journals, luckily, some skincare experts decided to join Instagram to help educate the people who have a lot of questions. They have PhDs or worked in the beauty industry, so they're the real deal.

Lab Muffin Beauty Science
When I started having an interest in skincare, Michelle Wong who has a Ph.D. in Chemistry is my go-to skincare expert. She's on Instagram (@labmuffinbeautyscience) and YouTube. But if you prefer reading, she also has her own blog LabMuffin.com which is very educational. She breaks down how an ingredient works on your skin and debunks skincare myths.

Stephen Alain Ko
I actually got to know this skincare expert through following @lubmiffinbeautyscience. On his Instagram and blog, Stephen, a cosmetic chemist and actually works as a cosmetic formulator, shares everything from skin-care science experiments to what your favorite ingredients actually look like under a microscope. You can learn more about him on his interview in Skincare.com

The Nerdy Derma
Dr. Erin Jane Tababa-Santos AKA The Nerdy Derma is from the Philippines. She started the platform to give her opinion on beauty fads and "miSKINceptions", overall, to fight false beauty claims. You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. She's also open for online consultation due to COVID-19 quarantine, just make sure to book her early because she only takes a limited number of patients per day.
Other than these skincare experts in social media, I also visit a lot of websites by medical experts. Below are my top 2 favorites:
- MedScape Dermatology - It has the latest news anything about skin in general.
- Paul's Choice Expert Advice - They maybe a brand, but their Expert Advice page is really educational from skincare advice to ingredient dictionary. If there's an ingredient I'm not familiar with, this is the first website I visit.
Do you follow skincare experts on Instagram other than these people I mentioned above? Share them below!