Entertainment Magazine

Ski Lodge Freshens up Surf Rock with Some Soul [free Mp3]

Posted on the 03 November 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

278898 137700226315262 136504766434808 247736 3568107 o 550x364 SKI LODGE FRESHENS UP SURF ROCK WITH SOME SOUL [FREE MP3]

Photo Credit: Harry McNally

I Would Die To Be – Ski Lodge

Ski Lodge (@skiiilodge) is an immediate a contradiction. While the name conjures images of comfy cabins, fresh snow, and hot chocolate, the music is decidedly sunny. Andrew Marr, formerly of The Clementines and man behind the band, seems aware of the paradox, penning lyrics such as the conflicting “lost in the heat of winter” in the song “A Game”. The track itself is all surf pop, though, complete with high pitched snare drum, jangling guitars, and sliding background vocals that punctuate the verses with descending vowels that mimic moans. With the abundance of surf music on the buzz market today, it can all get a bit repetitive, but Marr keeps things original with soulful, blues-y rhythms and melodies that are more derivative of the genre’s originators than their modern day counterparts.

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