Destinations Magazine

Six Months

By Leonoras


I  just realized that we've been brushing our teeth with bottled water for six straight months.

We've cooked exactly two meals - and one consisted solely of roasted garlic on french bread.

We've stayed 183 nights in hotels/boats. And eaten (at least) 375 restaurant meals -- people often ask if we're ever going to eat out again after getting back from this trip. Clearly they do not understand how much I love eating out. The answer is yes. 

We've traveled by plane, train, automobile, bus, sailboat, dugout tri-maran, moto, rickshaw, tri-shaw, tuk-tuk, ferry, long boat, horse cart, and for a very long time, by foot. 

We've had two motorbike slips resulting in no injuries but some very muddy trousers, sweated through one tropical disease, and learned that food poisoning at 17,000 feet is best avoided

We've eaten at least 300 banana pancakes, stumbled through 17 airports, recorded 73 blog posts, and spent at least 4332 (!!) hours together. 

While I still have periodic breakdowns about very silly things like only having five shirts, it's impossible to put into words the incredible experience of six months on the road. The traveling life does become the new normal, but it never really gets less surreal. 

Looking back on everything we've done so far, we're also so thankful that we still have six months to go. Half way through! We've got a lot to look forward to. 

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