Dandruff is a problem faced by a number of people. It causes flakes on your scalp, makes it itchy and also causes infections and patches. In severe cases it leads to acne, hair loss, pimples and also premature graying. You could find a number of synthetic products and chemicals available in the market to treat dandruff. But, these are not very effective and have a number of side effects too. The best way to treat dandruff is to try out home remedies.

Dandruff can be a severe medical condition if you do not treat it well in time. Never neglect dandruff and try out these effective tips to get rid of it and keep your hair clean. They are natural and can be done at home with no help.
Aloe Vera:
Use Aloe Vera to apply on your scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes. It clears dandruff and makes your scalp clean.
Take 2 aspirin tablets and dissolve it in some shampoo. Use this shampoo to wash your hair. Aspirin fights dandruff, keeps your scalp clean and removes dead skin.
Make some apple juice and add 2 tablespoons of it in to some water. Apply this on your scalp and wash off after 10 minutes. The enzymes in apples help get rid of flakes and removes dead skin cells.
Black Pepper and Yoghurt:
Yoghurt is very good for controlling the scales on your scalp. Take a cup of curd and mix 2 teaspoons of black pepper. Blend the mixture well and rub it on your scalp. Leave it on for an hour and use a mild shampoo to wash off.
Baking Soda:
Take a handful of shampoo and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to it. It helps a lot in removing the dandruff flakes and making your scalp clean.
Curd and Besan:
Take 4 tablespoons of chickpea flour or besan, and mix some curd in to it. Make a thick paste and apply throughout your scalp well. Let it stay for an hour and then wash off. Adding a few drops of lemon will help you get rid of the oil of the curd.
Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice:
Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix well to apply on your scalp. Let it stay for 30 minutes before washing off.
Apply 2 beaten eggs on your scalp and leave it on for an hour before washing off. It is a good conditioner, prevents dandruff and also fights hair loss.
Take some methi seeds and soak them in water overnight. In the morning, mash them and add a cup of olive oil or coconut oil. Apply this mixture well throughout your scalp. Let it stay for about 2 or 3 hours and then wash off.
Garlic and Lemon:
Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of garlic and mix well. Make a paste and apply on your scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with a mild shampoo. Garlic kills the bacteria and lemon juice removes the flakes.
Hot Oil Massage:
This is the best way to get rid of dandruff. Use almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil and heat it to make it lukewarm. Massage your scalp with it and leave it overnight. Wash it off well in the morning for dandruff free hair.
Henna and Beetroot Leaves:
Take some beetroot leaves and crush well. Add some henna powder to it and make a paste. Apply this on your scalp and wash off after an hour.
Neem Leaves:
Neem is a great antiseptic. Make a paste out of it and apply on your scalp. It treats lice, fights dandruff, and several other infections.
Olive Oil:
Use olive oil to give your scalp a hot oil treatment. It moisturizes your scalp and also cleans it well. Apply olive oil before going to bed and leave it overnight for best results.
Make a paste of onions and apply it on your scalp. Let it stay on for about 1 hour and then wash well. This is very effective in getting rid of dandruff. It may leave a pungent smell. So, apply some lemon juice to get rid of the smell.
Take some rosemary leaves and extract the oil by squeezing them. Mix some vinegar to it. Apply this on your scalp and wash off after some time to leave your hair clean and dandruff free. Another option is to mix some rosemary oil and coconut oil and apply on your hair. This is also an effective treatment for dandruff.
Take reetha or soap nut powder and make a paste. Apply this on your scalp and leave it for 2 hours. Wash it off well for dandruff free scalp.
Snake Gourd:
Take a snake gourd and make some juice out of it. Rub this juice on your scalp and wash off after some time. It prevents dandruff and keeps your scalp clean.
Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil has got properties make it a good antibiotic and antiseptic. Take some tea tree oil and apply on your scalp. You could also add it to your shampoo and use it to wash your hair.
Use apple cider vinegar to massage your scalp. It cures dandruff, itchy scalp, and also removes dead skin cells. You could also add vinegar to water and use it for your last rinse while washing your hair.
From this list of products, choose any one based on your preference and the effect on your hair. You are sure to have a lot of benefit from these remedies.