Potato plant

One of my precious "Nosferatu" chillies


Lettuce - full of "bullet-holes"
Unfortunately the plants most severely damaged are the chillies. :(

But even slender targets like the pea-pods have not escaped damage.

Every single leaf in the garden seems to be scuffed and scratched.

Broad Bean leaf
I hope that in most cases the damage will prove to have been superficial, and that the plants will survive, but I'm sure they are currently far from happy. We NEED a week of fine, calm, sunny weather to restore their health and morale!
******************************************************************************On a lighter note... This week Jane won a whole load of Black Puddings, from Chadwicks!

Actually, they are not all black. Some of them are white. And then there is this V-pud!

Vegetarian Black Pudding?! Whatever next?