Arts & Crafts Magazine

Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over

By Leonied
Hi all you lovely people,
Show & Tell Thursday's
So, hands up if you are good at procrastinating on those must-do/in-the-middle-of/cant-be-bothered-with-it-anymore/cant-make-a-decision-on projects...  I suspect most of us have experienced the joys of moving onto something new and shiny instead of sticking to one project!
Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
Well, a couple of weeks ago I was having such a moment on just about every front...couldn't decide, didn't feel like that, all too hard on another...  So what did I do?  Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over

I made a quilt instead!Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
That's perfectly normal behaviour isn't it?  Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
I had a roll of retro 30's fabric that I bought on a trip to Hamilton with a friend a couple of months ago, that had been winking and smiling at me ever since...  so in the midst of all the piles of stuff to do and projects to complete I ripped that roll open and embarked on a scrappy-trip-along quilt!Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
The cute retro zoo block was perfect for the back, so it became the centre and some vintage sheet fat quarters completed the backing.  Every last bit of that 30's fabric roll was used.  In the font, in the back and in the scrappy binding.  Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
One of my op-shoppped blankets for batting, and my walking foot got a good workout with all the straight-line quilting.  I adore these old-school prints - so cute and fun and charming :)Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
It is the first thing and quilt! I've made for us and for no particular reason!  (Other than procrastination of course!)  It's been used daily since - our family quilt (ie: for all of us to share!) and lives in the living room for snuggling under and playing with. 
The winner of last month's Big Little giveaway is...Sammy!  Congrats! I'll be in touch soon to make arrangements :)
Show & Tell - When Procrastination Takes Over
Our new sponsor for September is the awesome Make Cafe. Head on over to look at the great online shop and goodies! They have a lovely team of people running the show and there is always something swoon-worthy to see and buy! Stay tuned for details on a great giveaway for you lovely players this month : )
The Make Cafe

What procrastination triumphs have you had lately?  Do share!
Have a terrific Thursday!
L xx
Show & Tell Thursday's
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