With Warner Bros starting a location shoot for “Tarzan” today, out in the glamorous location of a North Wales quarry (probably doubling for an African diamond mine) we thought it was time for us to give a first shameless shout-out to our new Facebook page Tarzan Movie 2016
It’s very early days yet, but we will be following production and promotion of the movie (and the movie’s stars) as well as covering its release in July 2016, and we would love all our friends here to join us.
The impressive cast includes Margot Robbie (Jane Porter), Samuel L Jackson (George Washington Williams), Christoph Waltz (Captain Rom) and Djimon Hounsou (Chief Mbonga).
There’s also some random Swedish guy playing John Clayton III.
Obviously when setting up the fan page we decided to undertake some heavy duty and intellectual study about the man himself and his jungle legend, and after many hours in our virtual library we have concluded 2 very important things.
1. Tarzan doesn’t like wearing a shirt.
In fact Tarzan really doesn’t like wearing many items of clothing at all.
2. Tarzan gets the girl.
That’s right folks, there is NO old sour-faced sour-puss like Bill Compton lurking in the bushes to inexplicably steal Jane Porter away, and spoil everybody else’s happy jungle party. Jane has a brain and really isn’t into manipulating characters who tell her she’s an abomination and can’t quite decide who they want to be from one season to the next . Tarzan loves Jane and Jane loves Tarzan.
No seriously we don’t need to worry, our extensive research has shown us that Tarzan ALWAYS gets the girl.
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So feel free to join Tarzan Movie 2016 on Facebook for all the latest updates. You can also follow us on Twitter @tarzan070116
Welcome to the jungle!