Family Magazine

Should You Pay Towards Travelling Costs So Your Ex Can See His Child?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
ID 10035130 Should You Pay Towards Travelling Costs So Your Ex Can See His Child?

Should You Pay Towards Travelling Costs So Your Ex Can See His Child?

Yesterday I featured a question asked by a mother who complained that she felt a failure towards her child as she was struggling financially to meet her son’s needs, yet his dad does not help financially.

After reading back through the comments one jumped out at me.

“This post has actually helped me. I want to refuse my ex’s help due to the fact that when I did ask, he refused. I had a good plan set out in my head which would mean he’d only spend an extra £20. He said he had no money, which I can respect, but then continued to say I should pay him towards his travel costs. I can respect it costs a lot of petrol to get to see his son but he moved the 30/45 minute drive away. Why should I pay him when I have my son’s education to think about?”

When my own ex-husband has faced financial difficulties in the past, I myself have loaned him money and have agreed to pay towards traveling costs . I knew the kids were waiting for him and when he would phone an hour before he had arranged to collect them, saying he could not afford it, I was the first to say to say I would lend him it. I did not want to see the kids disappointed.

I think as mothers when we have an ex who says “I can’t afford to visit”, we have our heart strings pulled at and so we feel forced to help.

We all want what is best for our children and in most circumstances we know that seeing daddy will make our children happy. But should we be expected to put our hands in our pockets to pay towards traveling costs so our ex can see his child?

Should this be his responsibility as a father to ensure he puts money away for this?

Being a single mother is difficult and finances often become a struggle, do we have spare money to give to our ex?

Should You Pay Towards Traveling Costs So Your Ex Can See His Child? I would love to hear your views ….

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