Books Magazine

Short but Sweet – A Bout of Mini-reviews

By Whatsheread
The Dead Lands by Benjamin Percy

BOTTOM LINE: Not nearly as good as his werewolf novel, a bit odd with the mutated animals and humans, but still intriguing and intense.

House of Echoes by Brendan Duffy

BOTTOM LINE: Spooky, intense, and exciting – this is a great modern-day ghost story with a nasty twist.

When We Were Animals by Joshua Gaylord

BOTTOM LINE: This one puts a whole new terrifying spin on the idea that growing up is tough. Scary and disturbing, it haunts and yet intrigues readers all at the same time.

The Eternity Key by Bree Despain

BOTTOM LINE: I love this series and adore the way Ms. Despain turns the idea of destiny and the gods on its head. Plus, Haden is awesome. I cannot wait to see how this series ends!

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