Prediction: in the future, the mall as we know it will be obsolete, and we’ll get most of our clothing from local vendors and re-sellers.
I wouldn’t bet on that. But I do believe that, as our society seeks to lower it’s consumption of resources, we are moving toward a more diversified way of shopping for clothing.
Right now is a great time to curate your wardrobe from a variety of sources. And, the more varied your selection, the more you’re likely to build a truly original collection. Here are a few of the ways you can avoid the mall and still build a great wardrobe.
1.) Etsy
The online retailer is mostly known for crafts, but it also has a dazzling selection of clothing. You can find vintage clothing from the 60′s through the 90s, hand-knitted cable sweaters and totally original creations.
2.) eBay
Much like Etsy, you can search eBay for vintage clothing, but also more contemporary resale items. Secondhand designer shoes and handbags are popular items to find. Brands like Jimmy Choo and Chanel have good resale value because they’re made well. Invest in a good pair of shoes, and you may be able to resell them yourself one day.
Companies like Socialite Auctions sell gently used designer goods on eBay.

3.) Resale & Thrift Shops
For beginners, it’s best to stick with resale shops like Crossroads Trading Co. and Buffalo Exchange. Although the selection can be overwhelming, these shops usually have a the comfortable ambiance of any small boutique. A thrift store on the other hand can be an entirely different experience. However, prices at thrift stores are much lower than even resale shops.
4.) Clothing Swaps
Clothing swaps are a fun and inexpensive way to add to your wardrobe – but it’s kind of like a contact sport. Swaps can be large, community events where dozens of strangers are sifting through hundreds of garments. You’re able to take with you the same number of garments you brought for an entry fee of usually $20.
My advice is to find a swap event which specifies the types and brands of clothing they are looking to get, so you know what to expect. My favorite swap company is The SWAP Team based in Montreal, Canada – they make great events out of swaps, most feature live music.
P.S. – Registration for my virtual wardrobe coaching program is officially open! It’s called Becoming You: Personal Style Camp and it’s a truly amazing and transformative program that will literally re-program how you think about shopping, clothing and personal style – specifically, yours.
Click the image below for more info: