Hair & Beauty Magazine

Shopping for Baby

By Trina @embellishcandle
Good morning everyone yes it's Friday! I hope you all are glad also. The other day went to do a little shopping for baby it wasn't much, but it's a start.  I was so excited to be in the automatic chair strolling down the baby isle of HEB grocery.
Before that went to King Dollar to get baby bibs, bottles,pacifiers ect. It's been a long time since I have shopped for a baby and my hubby was so happy also. Hubby bought a pack of diapers and me some prenatals since I didn't find out a baby was kicking until September so I want to get some good vitamins inside me.
I just pray that my baby or babies are healthy, did I just say babies? Yes I'm thinking that to. I know we still have a long way to go, but we'll get there. We need a car seat and baby bed, which we are going to get soon.

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