Fashion Magazine

Shopping Ban: Why? What? How?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Firstly, W.O.W. I didn't think there were so many people out there who were on the same page as me. I have to say I have never been this excited about shopping, as I am about NOT SHOPPING right now.  Just to clarify for the cynics out there, I do not condemn shopping, it builds and nourishes the economy after all. I just wish to keep things in perspective (for myself). I often joke with my husband that I have enough clothes and shoes to sustain a small country. While, it is a bit of an exaggeration but I do have enough of everything that I do not 'need' to buy a new piece of clothing/shoes/whatever.  I, however, do condemn the stigma attached to repeating clothes, needing something new to wear to every party, having things in the closet with their price tag on and yet complaining about having nothing to wear and just mindless shopping for self gratification or shopping for the sake of having-everything-everyone-else has. Imposing a ban gives a break to the mind and forces you make most of your existing closet. While sometimes the temptations try and take over your sanity but staying strong gives your a greater sense of achievement later. Not to mention the money and time you save you can spend on date nights, movies and family. If you wish you join us in the 'shopping ban', you can do so here. Things that are banned - Clothes (all kinds!) - Shoes - Accessories/Jewelry - Bags/Purses/Clutches - Cosmetics  - Electronics/Gadgets Things that are allowed: - Food - Water - Home Supplies - Medicines  - Toiletries (shampoo, soap, etc.) Shopping Ban: Why? What? How? P.S. If you have a question, please feel free to ask in the comments below. Comments are open for this post. Shopping Ban: Why? What? How?

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