This month's #SHOESHINE is open to those who want to bare their "soles" and share their light.
I've been quietly busy, photographing and listing on eBay and Etsy. I might seem M.I.A. (Missing in Action) and yet not really. There's a lot of action- I'm not away on vacay, or taking a "breather" but rather doing what I should have been doing this whole time, and focusing on creating a viable business and livelihood for myself. However, the party goes on, and if you care to put your best foot forward please do so by adding a link to you in the shoes that make you feel like a star.
I've been admiring the new chunky lug soled gladiator sandals that have been showing up- my faves come from online venues such as Solestruck, and Nasty Gal. These ghostly numbers are a Nasty Gal exclusive and filling up my wishlist, for just $88.
As always, SHOE SHINE is open to all.