What do you do when your blog is quoted in a highly read online journal? You blog about it. If that’s not postmodernism, I don’t know what is. I have the impression that I’m standing between two mirrors right now somewhere in the virtual realm. Is this why people play Oregon Trail?
The article was all part of the Whole Foods Dark Rye Column in the HuffingtonPost, and was posted with the link to the video ‘A Bout de Vin‘ from the Dark Rye Magazine.
I have to say that the story is pretty flattering and the quotes from this blog – yes, reader, your participation was integral in making my day- make me out to be a little more quick on the draw than reality would have it. If it weren’t for my pal Angus, who works for Dark Rye and made the video, and his wife Sheila, one of my dearest friends, today I would just be standing in front of one mirror, grimed up by toothpaste splash.
In all seriousness, it’s extremely touching to have numerous supportive family and friends (some of who would dare do a video in the freezing weather) encouraging Julien’s and my wine endeavor.
I raise my virtual glass to you. Lots of love.
P.S.S.S.P. (p.s. shameless self promotion) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dark-rye/a-bout-de-vin-the-end-of-_b_2765767.html