Arts & Crafts Magazine

Sharing Some News!

By Dena13
I just wanted to share with you all that I have been asked to join the amazingly talented design team of Magnolia-licous and said YES!  I truly look forward to working on this team with these wonderful girls and since some have been former teammates that makes it extra fun! 
I had every intention of creating a new card to go along with this announcement, but time got away from me, so I will share an older one that I had.  This little cutie, Holy Tilda With Lamb, was bought from Magnolia-licious along with the Doohickey snowflake called Cozy Fern and Snowflake.
Sharing Some News!
I'm super excited about joining the team, thank you Diana for asking me!
I'll be back very soon with more to show you!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Hugs, Dena

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