A bit of a shameless promotion here as the Skarsgard Fans website now has a new admin (cough*me).
After begging and harassing the wonderful site owner, Barbara, I have been approved to humbly help out over there. It’s a very strange (and strangely quiet) time in Skars-land right now. Alexander’s regular TV gig is over and he’s not an actor who actively courts the celebrity lifestyle, so the fandom is rather in limbo. But Skarsgard Fans has been running successfully since January 2009 and we intend to carry on regardless, and hopefully over the coming years to continue to provide fans with all the latest updates and news.
I will be endeavouring to be completely professional and grown-up in all my posting over there as the site is known to a certain person’s management team. Whether I can keep this up long-term, especially when the first shirtless photos of Tarzan finally appear, remains to be seen, but I can at least start out with good, clean intentions!
We will also be posting news about the other members of the talented Skarsgard family, including Gustaf and Bill, and following how some of our other Bon Temps favorites are getting on after True Blood.
As I mentioned previously, it’s a quiet time right now and without True Blood some fans will understandably drift away to find new heart-throbs, but we do still await 3 unreleased movies in which Alexander has a starring role, and hopefully new projects to look forward to next year. So please feel free to call over and check us out from time to time, and keep us in mind for a visit when something new and exciting happens in Skars-land as hopefully we’ll have all the ridiculously good-looking angles covered.
I’ll be tweeting links to our posts at ENL
And finally anyone who knows me knows that I never miss the opportunity to end a post with a smoking hot picture, so that’s what ‘ll do!

Happy Skars-gazing!