TV & Video Magazine

SFX Vampire Special Edition

Posted on the 24 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

SFX Magazine has released their Special Vampire Edition – featuring True Blood, Twilight, Underworld, The Vampire Diaries – plus a lot more fangy goodness which will satisfy your bloodlust!

SFX Vampire Special Edition

In the True Blood feature, there’s a debate on whether or not the show is still as great as it once was.

Here are some highlights from the debate;

From Meg Wilde:

“Let’s face it, the love story between Sookie and Bill ran out of steam by the end of season one.”

“…along came Eric to steal Sookie’s heart. But effectively all this plot twist did was undermine Sookie as a character.”

“…isn’t it about time Sookie stuck off on her own to regain her self-respect?”

“…the biggest reason why True Blood has lost its way: it has too many characters.”

From Will Salmon:

“Even in a duff episode, you can always rely on Lafayette or Jessica or Eric to liven things up.”

“Sure, she finally shagged Eric, and had plenty of opportunity with Alcide, but by the end she had decided to do things on her terms. Hopefully that means a break from the endless rounds of break up/make up between her and Bill.”

“…when Eric did go back to normal, he retained some of his new characteristics. He’s a different person now. A fuller, much more complex character. Let’s see some more of that next year.”

One of our very own Eric & Sookie Lovers – eviehellosweetheart, (who posted that wonderful article about Eric making #2 on the Top 50 Vampires on SFX list) lives in the UK and was able to get her hands on a copy and scanned them for us! But since this is in the middle of the night for her, she passed them on to me to share with you! Thanks Evie and Swede dreams! *hugs*

To read the full article, please click on the scans below!

Please click image for larger view.

SFX Vampire Special Edition SFX Vampire Special Edition SFX Vampire Special Edition SFX Vampire Special Edition SFX Vampire Special Edition

Seriously? I think this is one of the best articles I have ever read!

Meg Wilde seems to know exactly what we’ve been complaining about for months now! I loved what she said about Eric and Sookie! Although, Will Salmon seems to have a different view, he said some great things about Eric’s character.

If you would like to order yourself a copy of this magazine, please click here.

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