Debate Magazine

Settling of a Reality

Posted on the 10 December 2011 by Isiswin @Isis_Win

 By Isis Win

Ending another year prompts to reflection. Perhaps when it comes to our personal reflection the process seems, “smooth and easy” to attain but when it comes to issues of our country and world, things may become complex and incompressible. The reasons are quite obvious but offer no explanations as how we arrived to where we are. For starters the media does not make it any easier but as well, not always represents the truth. Propaganda and manipulation often make the headlines and we are left thinking what is not. In most cases, all depends on what the medium in place is. However, many of those issues foreign to our inner world affect everything including our personal and close world. The political scene is no exception and as we know, such alters many other realms that ultimately affect us personally. Here I am doing a quick revision about some of those that resulted in apathy, vitriolic reasoning and divided further more the American people. All resulting in one of the worse cases of lack confidence in the American people. However, it is clear no one fully agrees in many of those events and its true representation. Nevertheless, with some distance, the true shines for itself, showing the facts as they truly are. here are some at the top of the list.

Through the entire 21st century we’ve been experiencing a no so familiar panorama in the US, All starting with the unprovoked attack to the WTC. An event that shocked and infuriated even to the most cool and collected person. For some “strange” reason, if we could remove our selves from what happened as it happened, we didn’t. We were emotional witnesses to this hard to believe painful tragedy. Some people mourned, while others, their anger was triggered to a point of seeking for revenge against the perpetrator. I bounced back and forth between both. But always kept in view that a terrorist faction is not a country. They have no official home and they can be spread around the world. How scary! Almost like in the bloody 17th century when many religion wars were fought. Therefore, fighting them seemed close to impossible. Those that experienced that core anger wanted to take matters in their hands. As a consequence, flocks of young people joined the armed forces. Young patriotic people who were willing to sacrifice their lives to defend our sovereignty and freedom. People whose values rank at the highest level of caring for their nation and people. Something to be much more than admired and sadly, even the Arm Forces had failed to them since the beginning to the end.

Through those same times we had as well a previous enemy of the USA and a threat to the world: Saddam Hussein. Hussein, already an icon in our minds, when he invaded and stole the vaults of Kuwait and was flawlessly ousted out of Kuwait by the US forces. The US disembodied his arsenal leaving him totally unprotected in one of the most dangerous and unstable regions of the world. A region that had been constantly in war since the beginning of history. But it was well-known that Hussein possessed chemical weapons and was fully capable of using them. But as well, US intelligence suspected of a large arsenal that could be used against the US as retaliation and the existence of production plants. There even was speculation that they were preparing to possess nuclear weapons. The UN step in and established there are not suspected weapons nor plants. Saddam was no threat to anyone. But as well, US intelligence insured the White House that Hussein had business with Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden and was involved in the WTC attack.
Then, the US went into a preemptive attack to Iraq. A war that Bush promised to the American people “will be a short one and a definite win” without any problem. History showed that not being the case at all but as well the presumed US intelligence was wrong. Way wrong! Hussein was not a threat nor was part of any act of terrorism against the US or any allied country. However, we engaged into a war that cost several thousands of life loses. physically severely damaged many folds more of soldiers. The cost of this war, is way beyond of what the country could afford – specially when we were enjoying tax cuts across the board. But like if that wasn’t enough pun to the country and to the American people, the post invasion effort was a total flop. The only winners in this war had been all the humongous businesses that earned multi-billion contracts to support the troops, do the clean up and saw back Iraq. Such as Halliburton.
As well  we faced the true problem behind the 9/11 attack: Afghanistan. As well our troops when there to kill all Al Qaeda operatives and their top rulers. Another flop, although several of the responsible people for the attack had been detained and others killed. Including Osama bin laden.

We learned that what Bush said in regards of Iraq and Saddam was completely false and his team made sure to point the finger to a faulty intelligence but not him. Bush simply washed his hands from any responsibility. To the public opinion, he just retaliated to the culprits of 9/11 and that sufficed to most. However, we know there was evidence of manipulations within the government agencies and casually around that time, Secretary of State Colin Powell renounced to his position leaving politics for good. We will never know what the truth is. It has been said over and over that the attack to Iraq was planned before 9/11. Nevertheless, we engaged into two war fronts, lost too many lives and all, although Bush insured us of the contrary. We left Iraq in a total mess, Afghanistan is far from reaching an end and the cost of both wars amounts several billions of dollars. As well, we’ll never know if the actual cost of the wars on Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq is close to 4 trillion dollars as stated by the press.

But the previous administration left us one more chaos. Although analysts, academics and several legislators warned the White House about the housing and mortgage dangerous balloon, the WH did nothing and it busted leaving us in the 2nd worse recession in history. Frankly, after all I’ve read about the depression of the 30s, I believe what we’ve dealt with, is a true depression. Although it never reached that level because the WH stepped in and saved most of the banks. This created another breed of winners: Bankers and their top men, including those that illegally traded many corrupted loans. Bottom line, the republicans left the country and the American people in dire shambles. We lived almost an entire decade watching the most powerful White House in the history of the US deceiving the American people, selling the country to China, created a war that was not justified by any means, violated the Freedom Act with the Patriot Act and all in the name of justice. Justice to who? Although most Americans agree with bringing to justice all responsible for the attack, no one agreed to the results of a flawed management to achieve that purpose. So far Al-Qaeda
had cost almost 10,000 lives to the US and a fortune we cannot afford.

It wasn’t surprising to see Bush winning a 2nd period. Although I forecasted many years ago Kerry being presidential due to his remarkable political career, his campaign was too poor and the fact that he is part of the American aristocracy, even if just by marriage, I knew all that will come with a heavy price for him. Bush won and we were set in course to tragedy. The silver spoon born rancher got a second term. The saddest part is – to learn about Bush’s grim past. Although college graduate, he is as ignorant. Not presidential caliber at all.  
Bush has not even traveled overseas ever! and became a president? As well, all his previous “professional” positions were a total flop. Not even as governor of Texas created sound credentials. Well, besides the grand fact that he came from a family with a long history in American politics.

Then, elections came again and the American people already fed up with the terrible and failed republican policies of Bush, the democrats raised into power.
I remember so clearly when Governor Obama delivered that phenomenal speech at the Democratic Convention att Kerry’s nomination, I was awed and deeply impressed by it. I told my wife right away, here we have a presidential democrat. My wife dismissed my comment simply because in her eyes, America was not ready for an African-American president. I had doubts too. However, I believed that the principles of his speech were exactly what the American people wanted and needed: to return to the known American principles of social justice and a growing economic power to all. But that panorama was too far from reality considering all of above.
Obama becomes the choice of the American people. Personally I favored Obama simply because McCain was not promising through his campaign at all. Particularly after he selected bimbo Palin as his running partner. It was clear either he wanted absolute power by choosing here or he felt the election was anyway in his pocket. I took offense by his poor choice. Why Palin I wondered? Because she is a loose eloquent canon? Because she is very attractive? Or because she is quite poisoned against moderate or liberal policies? My question was answered once the Tea Party started to take over the Republican platform. Is all that is about vitriolic and nothing about policies or real patriotism, not even American dreams. Abortion, illegal immigrants, gun control and antagonism against gay rights became their platform and nothing about American policy nor the well-being of the American people. It was about to remove from the American tapestry anyone that wasn’t approved by them.  Like if that defines our nation! But clearly as well, greed known among republicans is part of their song. However, it is my impression that McCain in reality gave away his presidential dreams due to the recent disaster of the financial meltdown. In fact, I don’t doubt the possibility that The Republican party gave away the election to let the democrats to deal with the existing crisis and win the following period. Fixing the depression wouldn’t be possible in the next four years but is more promising the next period. We must remember at all times that in politics, anything can happen. And if so, he republicans had made a great performance presenting a panorama about Obama and the Republican Party that would assure them The White House in 2012. However, I only hope that the American people have a better vision than going by their propaganda and the blocked attempts to address our current situation. If the WH ends up republican in 2012, we must become prepared to manage a worse war than to Al-Qaeda, because the American people had left behind fo far too long and the worse scenario for the American people in the last 100 years. Frankly, I believe that the majority voters are not willing to deal with the republicans. At least in 2012.

The American voters are after justice, fairness and equal distribution. Obama promised not only that, but a total change of the political panorama. A red flag in my view. He was committing into too much and on top he was to bridge differences between republicans and democrats? I wondered how could he do that? That definitely would represent a major change! However, I knew as well that the fact that he is African ascendance could bring as well another can of worms for him and the democrats. Of course, no one wants to publicly admit that, but for four years I’ve heard too many republicans and democrats to whine about that fact. In 2008 I didn’t care myself because my eyes don’t suffer of those ethnic filters. As well, because I knew what the nation needs is someone who wants to achieve a place in history that confirms what this nation suppose to be about. If we could have another Lincoln or Jefferson that would be it! but how naive of me because I disregarded the fact that the opposition would make sure he fails in any attempt to bring any of those promised changes. All that because he is a democrat, he promised too much, he believed to be able to fully change the nation and because he is black. It seems I was right, but that doesn’t remove the sadness I experienced because in my book everything should be about the bettering of the country and everyone in it.

Now we’ve witnessed for a few months the runners for the official republican candidacy throwing dirt at each other and many folds more to Obama. At the early stage of the debates I was somehow excited about it. Now, I am so disappointed and as much, frustrated. From all the candidates, the republican party lacks of any true presidential caliber candidate. Flip flopping, ignorance, deception and a hidden agenda are out in the light even to the politically blind. Not even extracting the best of each candidate we can create one candidate that is sound and promising. On the other side, we still have Obama who according to the Tea Party and the running candidates is nothing near of presidential caliber and is a total fraud. If that would be true, we are in a humongous jam because what the American people needs is even a tiny bit confidence in our future and to change the social and economical distribution. Something the republicans openly are against. The reason the Occupy movement was born. Although seems Occupy awakened consciousness among the main street, I see no signs of participation in numbers. Something that is vital and badly needed. Perhaps everyone is too busy doing Christmas shopping or too depressed to say anything? Another layer to the apathy I see. But I don’t blame anyone for it. It would be useless to do so. We cannot change our deficit, unemployment, nor the animosity of the arab world against us, or the divided mentality in politics.  We are hopeless! But I know as well most of the people unaffected by the recession, not only don’t really care about what’s going on in the country or the people, but they have an opinion that differs so much from the reality. Dentists can afford looking at the eye of the customer and say: Well, I have a plan for your dental care. It will take a few visits and your cost will only be 5k! No to mention a visit to the Dr that on the long run will only write another prescription to be filled and enrich the already millionaire bio-chemical industries. God forbid you need a lawyer that will charge you 300$ for that letter he sent in your behalf! Nor go back to the gas prices of the early 2k. But in exchange we can buy a large screen tv, an iPad or a car in payments so it provides some sense to living! And that while a small group of newly millionaires and billionaires take their monies to foreign banks, can afford multiple mega million homes, have their own jet, a fabulous yacht in an exotic place and pay almost no taxes!

Only the blind cannot see what’s truly happening to the world and our country but, since those are blind, they will not read my blog. But way high in this aristocrat ladder, I can point all those politicians that are not only out of touch with what the nation needs, but are clueless about what the American people want. Why would they care? Specially if they can enjoy a million dollar revolving account at Tiffany’s, or live in a million dollars + home, while others are just concern about putting a turkey at the Christmas dinner table! Even worse, have a warm roof over their heads. In case you are not aware, poverty levels had grown as bad as our deficit.

If the country needs something, that is to put an end to negativity, to halt bashing to those that are not approved by some, to – pitch in – where and when possible, to insure the well-being of every single law-abiding citizen. We need to open our minds, eyes and hearts! Every single American matters as much as you do! After all, the well-being of others, is reflected in our own lives because our lives, are the fabric of America. Diversity has been one of the greatest blessings to The USA, therefore, every single individual should count, regardless of how different might be or our personal preferences. Therefore, everyone must be entitled to the exact same rights and opportunities. Great for corporate America that has achieved the wold’s greatest place, but that place should not be exclusive of them, nor exclude anyone.

God bless America and each of us!

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