Hey guys! So I've been really behind on a lot of my reviews, and a lot of them were for sequels or other parts of a series, and I noticed that I always have the most troubles with those ones, cause they're all the same: ____ was a disappointment, but aren't all sequels? Anyways, I decided to clump all of the books that were a part of a series that I still had to review and just make one big post of them with a little mini-review!
So I made a new type of post called Series Selection! If I don't feel like writing a review for a sequel, or other part of a series, then I'll just wait every few months so I can do one of these posts!
Son Of Neptune by Rick Riordan
(Heroes of Olympus #2)I just love me some mythology! (hey, that rhymed!) Anyways, I'm glad Percy was in this one a bit more - definitely made it more interesting and entertaining for me! But I loved some of the new characters and the continuous characters in this one! Can't wait for Mark of Athena in October!
Perception by Kim Harrington
(Clarity #2)I love how this series is progressing like a Nancy Drew type of novel! I've never really been much into mysteries, but I don't know why - since I absolutely love these! The super powers and romance is just and added plus! Anyone know when the third one is coming out, or if there is a third one? I sure hope so!
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
(Unearthly #2)I really really liked Unearthly, so I was kind of expecting a lot from this one, but I didn't really get much. I mean, it was still good but it felt more like a dramatic TV show than a good angel book. I know a lot of people really liked this one, but I can't say that I liked it as much as I thought I would. I'll still probably end up reading the third one, just because I love Tucker so much! :)
Kiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep (Mythos Academy #2)How could you not like some kick-ass characters, that are even more awesome because they have cool weapons and some pretty sweet powers? I absolutely love the Mythos Academy series, and this one may have been better than the first! I really like how some of the sideline characters from the first novel made big impacts on the main characters in the second one! If you haven't read this series yet, DO IT!
Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton (Angelfire #2)WILL. CADAN. WILL. CADAN. I can't really choose, because they're just so awesome. I really loved Angelfire, and I was pleasantly surprised by how this sequel was! It's rare that I give a sequel 5 stars, but this one absolutely deserved it! I liked how the action and the romanced was amped up in this, but still had the young adult aura to it! Well done, Courtney Allison Moulton!
Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins (Hex Hall #3)Snarky protagoist? Check. Rebellious romance? Check. Crazy demons? Definitely check. Fricken awesome book? HECK YES. These books are so hilarious yet awesome, but the plot seems to be getting a bit boring. I think it's dragging on a little too long, and some things can be done to make it better.
Fever by Lauren DeStefano (Chemical Gardens #2)I really liked Wither, so I was definitely expecting a lot from this one. To be honest, it wasn't that great. I'm so used to seeing Lauren DeStefano's bubbly personality on Twitter and Formspring, and when I picked this up I just felt depressed. Everything was just gloomy and depressing - there was no comic relief! The plot and characters were still great, but I just felt a bit mislead.
The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa (Iron Fey #2)Everyone really loves these series, and after reading the first one I kind of felt it too! It was pretty darn good! Then I picked up the sequel, and I was surprised by how well it fit with the first one, and I was surprised by how well it was done. I'm definitely Team Ash, in case you're wondering!
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare (Mortal Instruments #5)To be honest.... I LOVED THIS. I don't really know what to say about this, besides that Sebastian can go die in a hole and everyone besides him should live happily ever after.