Lifestyle Magazine

Sequin Jacket - It's Time to Shine

By Dusana Bozenkova
Coucou everyone,
Valentine's day is just around the corner.
Have you choosen your perfect outfit for the night?
The sparkle trend is popping up everywhere, so I decided to add a little bit more glam in my wardrobe. 
A little sparkle can be fun and sexy at the same time. It's time to shine.
A few weeks ago I got my first sequin jacket from TwinkleDeals and I absolutely love it. Every time I'm wearing it, I get lots of compliments. 
It's really funny, and nice when you're sitting at the table in the restaurant and people keep approaching you, asking you where's your jacket from. Well, I think it was cute. Getting a nice compliment can make you feel great.
The color is really beautiful, it's my new favorite going out jacket. Also, it's light, inexpensive and well made. It catches the light beautifully.
I normally wear tops size S, jackets (coats) size M, but this one runs a bit smaller, so I got the size L and it fits perfectly. 
If you love it like me, it's better if your order size larger than you usually wear. Clothes look best when they fit well.
If you love all things sparkly, this is your must have jacket.
Sparkle, twinkle, shine, lead a life that glitters.
Sequin Jacket - It's Time to Shine
Sequin Jacket - It's Time to ShineStylish Stand Neck Long Sleeve Sequins Women's Jacket
Sequin Jacket - It's Time to Shine
Sequin Jacket - It's Time to Shine

Simple Metal Geometric Ball Hook Earrings - GoldenSequin Jacket - It's Time to Shine
I'm wearing:
Stylish Stand Neck Long Sleeve Sequins Women's Jacket

Simple Metal Geometric Ball Hook Earrings - Golden

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