Fashion Magazine

September Reflections - A Gratitude Post

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
I started doing monthly recapson Instagram a few months ago.I now realize they are simply Reflections on Gratitudein the most beautiful, simple way.Highlights and moments I want to rememberand push into my heart.
It is said we get more of what we think of mostandI know for a factGratitude truly changed my life.
And the more Grateful I becomethe richer and more loving my life becomes.
I believe gratitude is an important toolin the path to a happy and meaningful life.And taking time to intentionally reflect on the goodis just so good for the soul.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Meaningful time with  my family is alwayson the top of my list.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude PostSeptember Reflections - A Gratitude Post
I am so grateful to be a grandmother with this dear woman!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Our children have been a couple since their first high school years!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
I spent a couple of days sorting my boys legosinto playable age appropriate pieces for our grands!It was a little bit of touching the pastwith excitement for the future.
Of course I had several dreams afterwardin which my darling sons were young.It felt a little like going back in timeand feeling the immense  momma love.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Oh this sweet, sweet girl!She fills my heart!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Last week the grands and Ipainted ceramic pumpkins for them to take home!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
I did an event at South Coast Plazafor the relaunching of one of their luxury wings.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
A huge fire broke out several miles behind our house.Huge gratitude to the tireless effort firefightersmade for over a week to get it all out.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
WE definitely had dramatic views for a few nights.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Jeff and I celebrated 37 years married38 years together!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
We celebrated our anniversary with a day in Laguna Beachat several of the spots from our first date.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Met a client and dear friend for a day of personal styling!Helping people  to appreciate their own beautyis always a highlight for me!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Then Jeff and I checked out the newPendry Hotelin Newport Beach.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
A cotton khaki suit made for lovely fall transitional look.
I kept it casual with som slip on tennies and canvas bag.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
I am also loving coveralls in all colors right now!I am trying to refine my fall uniform for creating in my studio. this fall.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
My fall and halloween decorating is all. done!But this post has gotten so longI'm going to share my Fall Decorin a separate post.
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post
Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit!I always so appreciate it!
September Reflections - A Gratitude Post

As always my friends

I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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