If you surf the internet you’ve seen this dozens of times. The title reads something like “If you have a computer you can make $1000’s every month just sitting at home.” This is followed by a long, exhausting video, usually without a timer at the bottom which shows you how long it will take to watch it. It starts with various people telling you how they have made thousands of dollars, paid off their mortgages, bought the latest Cadillac, put their kids through Harvard – all while sitting at home and doing some menial job on their home computer. All you have to do is send them this week’s special reduced price of $97 and you will receive the booklet with all the details on how you can join this elite club. It sounds too good to be true and it is. The only person making money out of these offers is the advertiser.
Now the idea has caught on and is spreading. The latest such scam is entitled “5 Signs you’ll get Alzheimer’s – click here” and a picture of a fine looking man. When you click, you get into the video. This one has no pictures, just a smooth voice and then an introduction to a doctor, “a specialist in geriatric diseases who lost both his parents to dementia and resolved to solve the problem by researching the subject. He goes on and on.
If you click again on the “Order Now” button you will receive a free copy of the doctor’s Brain Protection Kit plus for another $48 for his Wellness Report.
That’s it fellow members of the Seniors Club. Some free reading and a mere $48 will stave off the dreaded disease… Doc, if you know so much about us old folks how come you think we’re gonna send the money?