Current Magazine

Senate Majority Leader Reid Pulls Assault Weapons Ban

Posted on the 21 March 2013 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Harry Reid (D-NV), United States Senator from ...

Harry Reid (D-NV)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) decided to pull Senator Diane Feinstein’s (D-CA) “Assault Weapons Ban” because he said he didn’t have “the votes” for the bill to pass the Senate.  A couple of months ago, I wrote in favor of the ban.  Like Senator Feinstein, I think semi-automatic weapons should be banned.  Her bill primarily was in response to the horrifying tragedy last December at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Regular followers of Real Talk might be wondering why I haven’t been posting in regularity.  In addition to the myriad of personal obligations that have recently arisen in my life I have frankly been uninspired to post anything; at least not politically related.

Why you might ask? 

Let’s see.  The sequester cuts went into effect.  The government may possibly shut down by month’s end.  Politicians are busy blaming each other.  After enjoying a February vacation, our Congress will once again go on break.  This time for religious reasons (Easter).  Granted there is supposed to be a separation of church and state.  I wonder how many politicians will actually attend church during the day.

Washington D.C. has probably never been this stagnate or hyper-partisan; at least not in my lifetime.  Now Reid won’t even bring the “Assault Weapons Bill” to the Senate floor because he thinks it has no chance of passing.  Seriously?!  God forbid we TRY to accomplish anything. 

The real reason the bill was “killed” is that Sen. Reid has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA).  Sen. Reid, your actions basically substantiated the claim that the NRA owns you.  You proved today that you are a COWARD.  But need not worry.  You aren’t alone.  In fact, most politicians are COWARDS.  All they think about is the next election.  Do you honestly believe that all these politicians have had a recent epiphany and now they “strongly” support “gay marriage” and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants?  Because I don’t. 

Today I saw this clip from an interview CNN’s Piers Morgan conducted with liberal activist/filmmaker Michael Moore.  Now let me clear.  I usually find Moore to be obnoxious and I certainly don’t always agree with his politics.  However, there is a first time for everything.

So Sen. Reid, as you enjoy your “much needed vacation” in the upcoming days I hope you some time and remember the children that died that day in Newtown, Connecticut.  Remember their faces.

And ask yourself:

If anyone you loved was on that list, how would you feel about this ban?

Do you now have enough votes?

Only one thing is for certain.

Politicians are masters in the art of doing nothing.

What do you think?


Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

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