The start of the last day, day 52 Photo: Utpal
At just after 3 p.m. E.D.T. Sunday, Atmavir Petr Spacil of the Czech Republic flew across the finish line of the world’s longest certified race. Stopping the clocks at 49 Days +09:48:58, he was a tad off his fastest effort on the famous Jamaica Hills course, but still averaged 62.7 miles per day (100.99/ Km).
Now think about that for a moment: 100Km+ per day, day after day for 49 days– no days off or even sleeping in past 6 a.m. Getting in that mileage (which, in Atma’s case, was consistently in the 59>64 mile range, no real low days) by midnight (18 hours from the start). Now think about any 100Km (which remains the #1 most raced distance in the world, despite what some U.S runners think) race– how many runners take upwards of 12 hours, not to mention some over 18 hours? And while the New York Self-Trans. 3100 mile course is all paved, it contains one significant hill (at least 10 feet) per lap. I contend that many runners’ legs and feet could not survive two days on this tough course. Interestingly, Atmavir wore lightweight Saucony Kinivaras/ Mirages much of the time, always with the toeboxes and heel tabs carefully trimmed down. When his feet were tired, he did revert to more substantial Nike Pegasus and the like.
One thing that makes Dr. Spacil unique is that he is in great all-around shape. He often runs with a ripped, cut-up singlet, making obvious how strong his abs, back and arms are. He is flexible like a gymnast, sometimes hopping up in the air or jumping out from behind a tree to surprise fellow runners and entertain spectators.
He is famous for bouncing a raquetball much of the time in his multiday races. He claims that this year he never lost one (in the past an errant ball had been known to roll down onto the Grand Central Parkway on the north side of the course), but he did wear a few out. He also picked up several handballs that bounced over the wall of the handball courts in Joe Austin Park. Atmavir also had a large Teddy Bear who sometimes sat in his chair or at his table, providing a hat rack and smiles for all the runners and helpers. Sometimes, late at night, this big Gund bear would actually talk to the runners …
For his efforts, Atmavir Petr received a special cake, a bouquet from a local florist, a skinny trophy, several nice t-shirts and other running gear, and a can of new raquetballs and pair of Asics shoes from one of the race benefactors. But the REAL rewards are all inner in nature. He got to share 49 days on the road with runners, helpers and spectators from different cultures (with his outgoing nature, who knows how many friends for life he made). He discovered inner reserves of mental, spiritual and physical strength he probably was unaware of before the race started.
Tuesday evening, Vasu Dzuhiy of St. Petersburg (RUS) became the first Russian ever to finish the world’s longest certified ultra, the New York Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile (5000Km). Vasu stopped the clocks at 51 Days+ 10:47:39 (4:47 p.m. E.D.T.). He averaged 60.26 miles/ day (96.9 Km) a day, an especially impressive feat given his all-out battle with the Ukraine’s Yuri Trostenyuk in late April’s severe weather NY 10 day event (Yuri prevailed with 731 miles to Vasu’s 713). After completing his 3100 miles and enjoying a special cake, some songs in his honor, several speeches and much cheering, Vasu jogged onwards for another 7 miles so as to reach 5000Km. Many of the remaining runners in the race ran with him during his final laps, and after his 5000Km all runners stopped for good even though the race technically ended at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday morning (52 full days, thus requiring an average of 59+ miles a day to complete the full distance). Vasu, like several other runners– notably Switzerland’s Pushkar Chris Mullauer, used some unusual and “original” concoctions during the race– I know because I was there trying to measure these “potions” out like Dr. Jekyll in his laboratory. One drink Vasu enjoyed included 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, three teaspoons of honey, and a pinch of salt mixed in a 16 ounce water bottle (Hmmm!) Pushkar, like Vasu one of the friendliest, politest, most humble ultrarunners one could hope to meet, had some drinks where I swear smoke (!) was coming off the top of the drink after all the ingredients (such as vitamin C powder, wild root powder, etc.) had been swirled together. These guys were most knowledgeable about homeopathic remedies and supplements– in fact all the 3100 mile runners struck me as extremely professional in their approaches to foot care, diet, stretching, pacing, etc. They are the real PROS of ultrarunning, however small their material awards may be. Their mental and spiritual rewards may not be visible to the spectator or armchair race follower, but are substantial. Read : August 5th 2012 Reach Our Highest Best wishes to all ultrarunners around the globe, Mark D & Family Here are the final results:1 Grahak Cunningham AUS 3100 miles 43:10:36:39
2 Sarvagata Ukrainskyi UKR 3100 46:03:42:17
3 Pranjal Milovnik SVK 3100 47:11:23:02
4 Pushkar Mullauer CHE 3100 48:08:22:16
5 Atmavir P. Spacil CZE 3100 49:09:48:58
6 Vasu Duzhiy RUS 3100 51:10:47:39
Stutisheel Lebedyev UKR 2865.28
Pradeep M. Hoogakker NLD 2842.24
Arpan S. DeAngelo USA 2742.35
Baladev P. Saraz SVK 2585.4
Ananda-Lahari Robert Zuscin SVK 2524.48
Sopan Tsekov BGR 1000
Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2012 more information,results and photos:
Race website Self-Transcendence 3100
Race blog: 3100.ws
Utpal’s Daily Journal: Perfection-Journey
Stutisheel’s blog
Pranjal’s blog
Grahak’s blog
Sopan’s blog
Photos: Race gallery
Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2012 – Final Results Multidays.com - Multiday and Ultrarunning News