Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 3:54 PM EST
If someone puts you down do you feel bad about yourself? If someone doesn’t like the way you look or the way that you live your life do you alter yourself or your ways? Do you change what makes you happy to please somebody else?
When i was a child there were other children who didn’t like me and who criticized me or made fun of me, and as i grew up i learned to be grateful to those experiences because it helped to make me who i am today. Most of the time individuals who go around intentionally trying to hurt others are suffering from their own battles with low self esteem. So they inadvertently tell on themselves by irrationally acting out. Lashing out at another makes them feel good, giving them a false sense of security.
It is sad when some feel that they have to make other people feel bad just to feel good about themselves. Things in life can either make you or break you and i learned at a very early age that i am suppose to love everything about myself even if nobody else does. And i always did! None of us are perfect human beings but you have to put yourself first and never let anybody walk all over you and take advantage of your kindness. There are plenty who will take kindness for weakness.
And a lot of people have some type of insecurity that affects them in their life. Jealousy has never been an insecurity of mine. That is one of the worse things out there. Certain people have always been jealous of me though. So i do know about other peoples insecurities. And when you love yourself ultimately and learn how to carry yourself that way there will be no need for you to be jealous of another.
In general, people should respect themselves and make sure that they are respected by others!