Hair & Beauty Magazine

Self-care for Men| Guide to Feel and Look Best

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

Self Care Is For Men Too

When it comes to self-care an image is commonly created of a nice hot bubble bath or pamper session, and while that is wonderful self-care it creates the illusion that it is a predominantly female enterprise. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact, the increase in awareness of male mental health issues and battles against depression, most of which are kept quiet for long periods only serve to emphasize the need for self-care to be a buzzword amongst the male population in the same way that it is in the female population. After the last 18 months, there has never been a better time for men to start introducing some self-care into their lives. Yes ladies, your dad/brother/husband or any male in your life needs self-care too.

It may be that you don’t even know that you are in need of a bit of self-care, that you are struggling on without taking heed of the fact that your anxieties are increasing, you’re staring in the face of burnout or you feel constantly exhausted and lackluster about everything.

All can be tale all signs that you are in need of some downtime and need to take some time for yourself.  Every man is different and self-care will look different on one man to the next but to help you or your significant other. When it comes to how to implement self-care here is some inspiration/ ideas

Exercise and eating

Whether you are a gym junkie or avoid exercise like the plague there is no getting away from the fact that exercise is good for the mind and body. No matter how hard pushed your schedule is carving out just 30 minutes a day or a few days a week to factor in some exercise will do you and your happy hormones the world of good.

If you can, try to get outdoors and exercise. It’s been long known that getting out in nature and fresh air is one of the greatest free tonics to exercise your body and mind. If the weather or seasons are not on your side the exponential rise in-home workout programs as a result of the pandemic have left even the most gym shy with no excuse, even those who don’t have any equipment. Programs such as Insanity or the Centr App are great places to start and can even offer nutritional support also. Eating right shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to your self-care regime. Yes, treat yourself to the foods and drinks you love and enjoy but don’t overdo the bad stuff. Too much of anything can be a bad thing especially if those foods are high in sugars or saturated fats, they can actually leave you feeling lethargic and bloated not to mention the adverse impact they are having on your physical health. So keep it balanced and don’t forget to chug bag the water, by the bucket load. 

self care for men

Photo credit, Leandro Boogalu from Pexels

Treat yourself 

Treating yourself to something special can also help to release endorphins. If you have been working exceptionally hard then reward yourself. If you have been feeling down then why not cheer yourself up with something you have been longing for.

Perhaps it is a weekend away with friends or the latest men’s Balenciaga trainers, think how good you will feel when you strut down the street feeling good in the new clothes you are wearing or how fulfilled you might be after a fun and relaxing weekend away. If you have been putting off doing something that you know you will reap the benefits of, do not put it off any longer. 

Try a bit of male grooming 

Despite the earlier comments about the pampering being preserved for the ladies, in 2021 that is thankfully no longer the case. The male grooming market has increased 10 fold and more and more men are taking their grooming regime seriously. So whether you pay for that extended facial hair treatment at the barbers, go for some manscaping ot simply put on a bit of moisturiser, consider what types of male grooming you would like and go for it. You will feel better for it. Why else do you think it is such big business?

self care for men

Photo credit; Midia from Pexels

Sleep health

When it comes to mental and physical health one of the best things you can do is upgrade your sleep habits. Getting a full and quality nights sleep can make all the difference to how you feel and operate the next day. Burning the candle at both ends is no longer the source of pride it once was. Instead make the effort to switch off a bit earlier, shut down the laptop, put your phone on silent and spend an hour relaxing before going to bed – and don’t leave it too late. 

Try a meditation app

Meditation does not have to be all umm and ahh while sat crossed legged in a yoga studio. If your head is full of chaos, you cannot unwind to de-stress from the day consider downloading a simple meditation app. There are plenty available for beginners, such as Headspace, and they can walk you through a simple guided meditation that will only last a couple of minutes. Don’t knock it until you have tried it. 


Once again there is science to back up the positive impact of socializing. It has long been accepted that socializing with friends will release endorphins, improve self-esteem and confidence and of course afford you the opportunity to relax and unwind with like minded people.

You may not feel like socializing when you are in need of a little self-care but it can be the best medicine. Force yourself out of the house and go and meet your friends be it for a game of tennis or coffee. Once you are there don’t be afraid to talk about any problems or issues that may be effecting you.

Whether it is work stress or family life, forcing yourself out of your comfort zone and talking about what might be bothering you can help feelings of isolation and ease worries you may have. Chances are your friends understand or have been through something similar and will have nothing but kind words and may be even a bit of advice to impart. 

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