In this segment on Fox 26, Dayna Steele, from Your Daily Success Tip; Monica Guidry, from UT Health, and I shared our thoughts on how parents should address the potentially deadly social media phenomenon, NekNomination with their children.

In this segment on Fox 26, Dayna Steele, from Your Daily Success Tip; Monica Guidry, from UT Health, and I shared our thoughts on how parents should address the potentially deadly social media phenomenon, NekNomination with their children.
Fox 26 Houston Parenting Discussion: Quantity Vs. Quality
Houston Matters: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Houston News (3/27/15)
Wells Fargo #MyUntold Stories Collection Google+ Hangout On Air
Houston Matters: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Houston News (2/27/15)