My week got off to a rocky start, but by Tuesday afternoon, things were turning back around. Wednesday was even better with the news of my official job offer (YAY!) in the morning and a Ke$ha concert in the evening. I've mentioned before how much I like her (here), simply for her attitude and fearlessness. It's just good, not-so-clean, fun. Everyone needs to unwind occasionally. And what better way to do it than jumping around for hours with a thousand strangers? I scored tickets for the show at the Time Warner Cable Uptown Amphitheatre, and got to cover Charlotte in glitter for a second time.
Fashion Magazine
[Sweaty and exhausted after I got home. I wore a cut up vintage Coca-Cola shirt, Express sequin shorts (originally on this wishlist), every piece of tacky jewelry I could find, homemade feather hair pieces, and made-for-dancing booties.]