Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Security Or Freedom?

By Souldesign @SoulDesignLtd

As personalities we humans are often cowards (myself included).
The reason I say this is that the most of the energy that drives our everyday choices is fear. We fear what our fellow humans will think or do if we fail to be ‘acceptable’.
This is not a new thing. For thousands of years we have been indoctrinated to behave like and be like the others in our society.
Most of you who read this will recognize that in certain areas you are a bit different from the rest of the population. So you have done some self inquiry which has led you to make some adjustments to your way of living your life. But we still live in houses, wear clothes, drive cars and shop at the supermarket.
When you walk through the supermarket, how often have you been wondering why unhealthy food is cheaper that the healthy stuff. Why is Coca-cola cheaper than bottled water? And why do we buy bottled water?
Why is there blue color in my shaving cream? And wtf is emulsifier, stabiliser, natural color and flavor enhancer?
Very soon I will not be allowed to eat a carrot from my own garden, unless it has been disinfected with chlorine!
Welcome to the System.
The System is there to protect us… to make us feel secure. Unfortunately some beings hi-jacked this system and they are now using it to control us.
But that is really another story. Let us stay with this ‘feeling secure’ thing.
Even if the System was never hi-jacked it is still a bunch of ethical, moral and behavioural rules and patterns that we must follow in order to feel secure and accepted. In every society we have got rules for just about everything which really means that if we believe that we are free, then we are kidding ourselves. Authority rules.
Parents have authority over their children, teachers over pupils, older kids over younger (or weaker) kids, employers over employees, Kings/Queens, Popes, Presidents and other people of status rule over ordinary citizens. There are many other examples like gender, intelligence, physical strength etc that determines who has got authority over who. All in the name of keeping order in the System, so we can feel secure.
It is costing us our freedom… the freedom in every second to think and act as true individuals. Because every time a spontaneous idea shows up (they are becoming increasingly rare these days) we have to consider all the rules, norms and laws (spoken and unspoken) that has been made to protect the System (so it can provide security).

Which leads us to the other word in the heading, ‘Freedom’.
Freedom is only freedom if it is free!
Normally ‘freedom’ is a word that is used a lot by those who rule the system.
But most of us would probably be able to agree that the ‘freedom’ they talk about is not really freedom at all.
True freedom is the stepping outside everything that we think we know about reality, and then re-examine this moment.
This re-examining has to be done with total openness, innocence and a certain amount of naivity so we can allow this moment to present itself as it really is… and not the way we want it to be. Because we have been so indoctrinated we have made belief systems (rules) that we find it very difficult to be free from. These belief systems color the way we perceive reality.
If we try to be free, but still keep ‘our way’ of seeing reality, then we are caught up in a little bubble that distorts our view.
You may believe that your view is more real than most other people’s, but that is not really the point. The point is that Any preconceived idea will apply ‘authority’ onto reality and thereby force it into the narrow band of your pre-determined belief system.
So, if it is freedom that you want, (and as mentioned in the beginning ‘we humans are a bunch of cowards’) then you will have to lay down your beliefs and enter reality with an open mind.
So, what IS this reality then?
Well I can’t tell you, because then I become this authority that we are trying so hard to get rid of.
What I CAN tell you is that it is not about anybody else (no Prime Ministers or Presidents, no Masters, angels, God or goddesses, no extra terrestrials, gurus, teachings or whatsimacallits).

It is all about you.

Kia Kaha

Good luck


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